My Journey
Hey! I’m Victor Mantovani, born in Sao Paulo - Brazil, on February 1991, where I grew up with my humble family.
3D entered in my life around 2009, on my first job as draftsman, where I used to model mechanic car parts among other stuff.
With time and much curiosity, I’ve met other softwares and started to get some side jobs from my friends and friends of friends. One day by personal reasons I quit my job and left the Civil Engineering university to start my own business.
Live as a self-employed is hard! Specially for 3D artists, we need good computer, mostly paid softwares to develop our job and even make the clients understand that there’s no “create complete project” button. Among my difficulties, there was one in particular: finding compatible and good content to develop my projects. Most of them paid, which is fine, but when you need lots of assets to compose your scene, paid assets become an issue.
Does it sound familiar? Yep, that’s the reason I decided to create my own assets and share it to other artists. Despite my full-time job (Yeah, self employment didn't really work out haha), I do some extra effort to create content to bring you good quality assets and tutorials trying to make your life as an artist a bit easier by a symbolic price.
So I really appreciate your support on my journey and as long as I have people supporting me, there will be more and more content coming.
Thank you for your support!